Danish hospitality set the tone for the hydraulic experts’ evening in Copenhagen. The large gathering provided the opportunity to discuss all the interesting aspects, information, news and interesting titbits from the past six months, accompanied by an excellent meal. The official part of the meeting took place on the premises of EDIS’s partner SORENSEN & KOFOED. The main topics were the enormous problems facing hose procurement, the suppliers’ high price policy and joint purchasing opportunities. The information exchange was punctuated by a tour of the workshops and warehouses. At the end of the meeting it was decided that the next get together would take place at REIFF in Reutlingen from 22.10 – 23.10.2012. The group leaders for the next two years are K. Kuzma and A. Urbanek of TUBES, Poland.
For more information please visit our partner website: Sørensen & Kofoed A/S