At the TRIGOS Gala at the City Hall of Vienna on 3 June, Haberkorn was presented with the TRIGOS Award for integrated CSR in the category large enterprises.
TRIGOS is Austria’s award for corporate social responsibility (CSR) which recognises businesses that demonstrate particular
social and ecological commitment. Haberkorn board member Gerald Fitz is delighted at the company’s success in winning
the TRIGOS 2013 award: “Receiving the TRIGOS is something quite special. For us, it confirms that we have adopted the right
path and, of course, inspires us to consistently move forward in this direction.”
In their statement, the jury praised Haberkorn’s responsible business practices which are closely linked to its corporate
strategy. The selection was motivated not only by the company’s many climate protection activities and comprehensive workplace health promotion scheme, but in particular by the sustainability test performed for the complete product portfolio.
Watch a YouTube video clip on award winner Haberkorn