On November 21, 2022, representatives of business enterprises and the state capital of Hanover met to make a joint appeal to the city society to save energy. The JÄGER Group relies on its energy management and the know-how of its employees.
A challenge for the economy and society
Rising electricity and gas prices threaten international competitiveness. Electricity and gas price subsidies help in the short term, but in the long term, the state cannot subsidize energy. That is why the JÄGER Group is focusing on product and process innovations to halve community energy consumption as far as possible in the next 24 months. If companies, citizens, and public institutions drastically reduce their consumption, demand will decrease, which leads to lower prices for raw materials and energy. Lower energy consumption and the priority expansion of renewable energies are the prerequisites for continued high quality of life and well-paid jobs in Germany and Europe.
JÄGER relies on energy management
Elastomers and thermoplastics are comparatively energy-intensive in production and processing. For this reason, the JÄGER Group introduced an energy management system as early as 2012 with the aim of making production at the Hanover site climate-neutral and internationally competitive by 2030. Due to the Russian war of aggression on Ukraine and the associated energy crisis, the measures that were planned until 2030 must be implemented within the next 24 months.
Energy competition and further saving measures
In addition to the comprehensive energy management, the employees of the JÄGER Group were also motivated to submit suggestions for further savings measures in an energy competition. The aim is to use the know-how of those employees who are most familiar with the processes in JÄGER’s production facilities and who influence them on a daily basis. As a result, numerous promising suggestions have already been collected in the current competition.
In addition to production, various savings measures were also implemented in the administrative buildings. In accordance with the new regulations for non-public buildings, the room temperature was lowered to 19 °C, and all non-safety-relevant lighting in the interior and exterior areas was also switched off. Since the lighting is basically operated with LEDs, the savings effect is initially to be assessed as low, but the symbolic value is all the higher since, currently, any kind of energy waste must be avoided!
Appeal to the community
Generally speaking, beyond economic benefits, the economical and efficient use of energy often contributes to greater social justice and the protection of our environment. This is demonstrated, for example, by lower energy costs for socially disadvantaged households or fewer emissions of climate-damaging greenhouse gases. As a company, we want to be role models for our employees and fellow citizens and make the greatest possible contribution in this crisis.