MM EDiS No. 43 in Barcelona

European Distributors of Industrial Supplies EDiS management meeting in Barcelona

EDiS celebrated its Management Meeting No. 43 in Barcelona.

The first part of the meeting was held in the new Gasso ­facilities and factory where the Managers could see the new Composite hose & Loading arms production lines. Also we visi­ted the factories of Damesa / Mikalor located 30 min distance of Gasso facilities.  
It has been a pleasure for Gasso team to share these two days with all EDiS members and wifes, in total more that 33 ­people, who participated in all events arranged.
We would like to thank everybody for the nice atmosphere created during that time.
Most of the members had the opportunity to join the F.C. Barcelona experience in the last match of the season in Nou Camp Stadium.
See you soon!

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