It is that time again – the close of another year and the start of the new year. The new year means new opportunities, new challenges, new experience, new ideas for EDiS organization and all members.
As the new year starts, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support and work throughout the past twelve months. Special thanks should go to all active attendees of the meetings, who I sincerely hope to see at the new year’s EDiS meeting again.
The past 2014 was a very good year in EDiS organization and I suppose it was highly challenging for all of us. In 2015 we will continue to offer the top quality programs and a high level agenda on all kinds of meetings throughout EDiS organization for you to build up our common competence and experience.
Taking an opportunity I would like to summarize some of our work in 2014:
High quality Management Meeting in Haberkorn in Wolfurt with state of the art logistic issues presentation by Haberkorn ”family”. Everybody got a lot of logistic impulses. I hope we will continue in the future;
- We created a challenging vision for EDiS organization “Always ahead in Industrial Distribution”
- Two Young Executive meetings held in Tess during spring time, and in Jäger Gummi und Kunststoff GmbH during Autumn time with a self-cooking course during evening time which I really appreciated;
- Numerous expert meetings such as: hydraulic, industrial hose, metal hose, rubber sheeting;
- We believe that EDiS webpage and EDiS intranet will continue to develop as the key communication portals for members and suppliers;
- Slowly but ahead a join purchasing project proceeds in an industrial hose expert group – which I personally believe each member will benefit from. We finalized the first tender and we are preparing for the second one! I recommend to push your Purchasing Experts to join the project and support it.
- We recognized new attendees in expert groups – welcome and good luck! We are always open to fresh, active people eager to develop and help us to take EDiS organization to the next level;
In 2015 we are consciously going to look for ways to improve communication and quality meetings as I personally promised. I hope this new year is going to be another challenging and undoubtedly exiting one for EDiS organization, especially in the area of ever increasing expectations. Together we are obliged to shape the EDiS future.
To conclude my New Year’s Message, I extend my best wishes to you, hoping that again it will be a year of good health and successful activities for all of you and your families.