TESS and Statoil have opened a Partnershop inside the gates at Statoil’s oil refinery at Mongstad in Norway.
The new business aims to provide the maintenance department significant cost savings and improved uptime. TESS Partnershop is the trade name of the manned inventory management concept offered by TESS. Every Partnershop set up by TESS is completely customized and a direct result of careful consumption analyzes based on statistics. The Partnershop concept always starts in the recognition that procurement of typical MRO-goods are expensive, relative to product prices. The Partnershop agreement means that Statoil has chosen to entrust the procurement, warehousing and distribution of supplies goods to TESS. The Partnershop is located to the maintenance workshops of the refinery. Need good ideas According to the agreement, Statoil will save substantial amounts on the scheme. The concept includes exploitation of TESS-developed software based on twenty years of experience with customized inventory management. TESS has guaranteed that the agreed product range totaling 2,400 articles shall be available at all times. The procurement management of Statoil in Norway has put simplification on the agenda. “In our supply chain we have worked hard to find out how we can streamline our procurements and how we can minimize the spent time on procurement. We rely on suppliers that can help us to break the cost curve”, says procurement manager Linda Moe Lund. Guarantees given The agreement guarantees that Statoil will save a pre-stipulated yearly amount. TESS also guarantees that the critical items shall be available at all times. Statoil has chosen to call the Partnershop at Mongstad for a pilot, with a view to finding effective procurement solutions at other onshore facilities as well. The Statoil Mongstad Partnershop is staffed with two experienced employees in TESS, who has handled Statoil over time from the local service centre TESS Mongstad, outside the gate.