Unishore B.V., the technical wholesaler for the offshore, maritime sector and industry, opened a new branch at Groningen Seaports last April. Unishore, a wellknown brand name in the offshore industry, has been active for a long time and has been part of the Imbema family business since 2009.
The developments at Groningen Seaports are not standing still
Eric van Leeuwen, sector manager at Imbema, explains how this new location came about. Van Leeuwen: “We have seen that the developments at Groningen Seaports are not standing still. The most northerly harbour of The Netherlands is an important base for the construction and maintenance of new and existing wind farms in the North Sea. In addition, it is an attractive location for new industry. The ambition of the Groningen province is to become leading in the distribution of renewable energy and we will be there to support that.”
Our people understand what is needed
When asked why Unishore at Groningen Seaports, also known as Eemshaven, makes an important contribution to the regional economy, van Leeuwen replies: “There is an increasing need for a technical wholesaler with not only a wide range of products, but who also knows what flexible service is needed for new developing industry and safe and efficient offshore support operations. Our people understand those needs, because if there is something that Unishore stands for, then it is service and flexibility.”
We complement our service perfectly
The site is a collaboration between Unishore and CIV Offshore & mShipping. Van Leeuwen: “We are already successfully working with wholesaler CIV in Den Helder. Our products and services complement each other seamlessly. We have therefore entered into a partnership and have a facility involved with them where our experts are present with a core range of technical products. With our main location in Den Helder two hours away, we can quickly get products at Groningen Seaports. In our workshop in Den Helder, we make custom products ourselves or adjust them to customer specifications. With the products, services and knowledge in our Imbema locations in Den Helder, Haarlem, Vlaardingen and Nieuwerkerk aan den IJssel, we complement our service perfectly.”
Contact details and visiting address:
Unishore B.V.
Borkumweg 16
9979 XH Eemshaven
Unishore Eemshaven is open on workdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.